*head desk*
Today has been a very odd day all-in-all on SO many different fronts. The good things about today are: 1) It was nice and sunny. A real summer day. 2) The sun shone. 3) I think I know how to begin the next writing project. 4) Cheyenne came by for a wonderful visit.
The things that did not go as well as planned: 1) My left arm is hurt. Thankfully I am a righty. 2) The current story is continuing to thwart me. 3) The word count for today is dismal.
Maybe tomorrow I will run away to the library with some notebooks and just relax from computer writing for a day.
What do you do to jump-start the creative fluids when a project simply isn’t cooperating? Maybe something you do can help me.
Thanks in advance for everyone who suggests something.
Tagged: computers, days, notebooks, project, projects, summer, Sunshine, writing